Volunteer in Poor Countries
Do you fantasize about traveling abroad to volunteer in third world countries?
- Volunteering in another country is an excellent way to meet people and make new friends.
- Placements of varying lengths are available, so you can contribute for a short, medium or long term.
- Unparalleled high reviews and ratings, Guaranteed lowest program fees in the US – starting from $100 - $200 per week.
- 18 countries, 200 projects and thousands of happy volunteers since 1998. Contact us for more information.
Most Affordable Volunteer Work in Poor Countries
Do you want to help people who live in poverty and despair? Are you planning to travel and make a real impact in developing nations? If so then you should look no further than RCDP International.
RCDP offers over 200 placement voluntary programs in over 19 countries. These very affordable volunteer programs in poor countries run from 2 weeks to 2 months in length, and the low prices cover all meals and accommodation expenses. This range of varied volunteer programs stretch from Asia, through Africa, to Latin America.
The volunteer programs for developing countries have many options, which means it’s easy to find one that suits your skills and interests. You could help build an orphanage in Nepal, teach in the underfunded schools of Peru, share handicraft skills with Brazilian women, work with conservationists to protect sea turtles in Mexico, or support HIV prevention and awareness campaigns in Ghana.

The volunteer experience was very eye-opening and I felt very much needed at the site. I would greatly recommend it.
Frances Yuan

The strong ties we built and the rewarding experiences that we made here were really very priceless.
Amelie Lim
- Australia

A lifetime experience, which has opened my eyes to so much, and impassioned me to pursue future volunteer trips.

Overall a great experience! I can't think of any reason why I shouldn't recommend the program to others!
Lena Gustke
- Germany
Please read more RCDP reviews , also in abroad reviews (RCDP-Nepal), Abroad reviews (RCDP -international)
Benefits of Volunteer Work in Poor Countries
There are countless reasons why people look for volunteering opportunities in different parts of the world, some of which are outlined briefly below:
To Make an Impact: Helping out, even in small ways, can make a real difference in the lives of an individual or a community. By participating in voluntary work in developing countries, you have a chance to help disadvantaged children, empower women and protect the environment.
To Learn New skills: Volunteering on programs in poor countries is a two-way street. As much as your helping can benefit others it can benefit you too. You will experience different cultures and learn new languages, gain experience in writing proposals, improve your teaching methods, or better understand the environment as well as expanding your interpersonal and communication skills.
To Boost Your Resume and Career: While volunteering you can explore new career prospects or increase your chances of being part of big NGO projects. However, enrolling with voluntary organization in poor countries is not only valuable for youngsters looking to gain work experience and boost their CV; it is also a chance to experience new of working environments around the world.
For Health Benefits: It is a widely held notion that volunteering helps reduce the effects of stress, anger, anxiety and depression. Voluntary opportunities in under-developed nations bring together people with diverse lifestyles. Helping them, teaching them, or working with animals in conservation projects relieves stress and keeps your mind off depressing thoughts.
For Friendship: In your volunteering trips, you will get to know people you work with very well. You will share many situations and experiences together that will form a unique and strong friendship.
RCDP Most Affordable Volunteer Work in Poor Countries Opportunities
Women Empowerment Project in India
Despite Indian women having achieved the right to be treated equally as men in many facets of life the problems of gender equality, domestic violence and early marriage still prevail in many parts of India, particularly in the poorer, more disadvantaged communities. The Women’s Empowerment Volunteer Project in India works to support women in their pursuit of healthy and sustainable lives.
Many of the women in the program are housewives who could not complete their education due to early marriage, and young drop outs forced out of college as a result of conservative family values.
This Women’s empowerment volunteer work in India program gives you the chance to work in Delhi, the capital of India. As a volunteers you will help these women build self confidence and self-reliance by teaching them essential skills such as paper bag making, knitting and stitching. The volunteers are also encouraged to offer English lessons to these women.
During your stay you will spend around 40 hours a week working at the project base, and live with a host family. This volunteer opportunity in India can last for a week, or a couple of months, depending on the schedule you choose. To participate in the program you need to have practical skills such as painting, sketching, sewing, or handicraft making abilities.
Orphanage construction project in Nepal
Years of economic instability, poverty, injustice, civil war and recent earthquakes have torn many families apart and left lots of children orphaned. With no one to protect, guide or care for them these kids either succumb to the perils of the streets, get exploited as child labor, or, best case scenario, get taken to an overcrowded orphanage.
The Orphanage Construction program in Nepal exists to maintain and extend Asna Orphanage, so that they can house as many children as possible without getting too overcrowded.
Established in 1999, the Asna Orphanage seeks to give these abandoned children a homely, healthy environment; a place where they can get good food and a quality education. However, the number of children is growing, and the space is getting smaller. The proposed Orphanage Construction project in Nepal is intended to expand the space to accommodate more children in desperate need.
When you join this voluntary construction project in Nepal you will be working with local people, carrying bricks, mixing cement, sand screening and so on. You can also help by installing new furniture, building a play ground or supplying note books and other stationery. The accommodation and meals will be arranged by RCDP. You will stay in a nice hotel in Kathmandu and with a hospitable host family in Chitwan.
HIV/AIDS Project in Ghana
HIV/AIDs is a sever health threat in Ghana and many other African countries. The disease has claimed many lives and is still spreading and claiming others. RCDP has partnered up with local organizations providing HIV/AIDs volunteer projects in Ghana to help prevent the spread of HIV, and offer care and support to those already infected.
As a volunteer on the HIV/AIDs program in Ghana your work will be focused on providing care to patients and promoting behavioral changes by facilitating awareness, discussion and training activities on prevention, safe sex, and hygiene.
The HIV/AIDs voluntary work in Ghana project operates from bases in both Kumasi and Accra. If you wish to travel in the seaside city of Accra or the Zoological garden of Kumasi, make sure you inform the RCDP country-coordinator. The project is an emotionally demanding one, and these two locations offer a perfect getaway to drain your exhaustion and sentiments.
Disabled children project in Argentina
RCDP works with local organizations and a team of psychiatrists to provide education, occupational training, therapy, recreation and extra-curricular services to children with disabilities. In order to participate in this volunteer project for disabled children in Argentina you must be aged over 18, have at least basic level of Spanish language comprehension, and have insurance to cover accidents, ill-health and general liability.
As a volunteer on the project to help disabled children in Argentina, you will be involved in various activities such as event management, fundraising, and administration, along with other tasks such as organizing outdoor games, assisting teachers in their classrooms, reading stories, and teaching children skills like carpentry, music and gardening.
Volunteers on the Disabled Children Program in Argentina generally work for around 4 to 6 hours in a day. During your stay there accommodation is arranged at either a hostel, or with a host family. The project is based in Cordoba, a place famous for literature and music. After work you can always stroll around the cobbled streets and enjoy classical and jazz music.
Turtle conservation in Mexico
During the last two decades or so the number of sea turtles has drastically decreased. They are victims of hunting and exploitation because their meat and leather are in such high demand in the global market. These creatures of nature are not meant to be killed just so that people can eat exotic food and wear prized accessories, and our volunteer program on turtle conservation in Mexico works closely with local fishermen and villagers to preserve and protect these beautiful animals; with the hope of saving them from becoming extinct.
On this turtle conservation volunteer opportunity at Mexico your mission will be to save sea turtles from extinction through conservation efforts, gain hands-on experiences as a field worker, and become immersed in Mexican culture by working alongside the locals.
There aren’t any strict rules or qualification criteria for this program. It is a plus point if you can speak and understand Spanish, but it is not compulsory. Similarly, a knowledge of marine biology is helpful while working to conserve the Olive Ridley Sea turtles but you can still do volunteer work in Mexico on the turtle conservation program if you are a novice on the subject.
Work in Orphanage in Kenya
Poverty and deaths from HIV/AIDs have left many children as orphans. Many are taken care of by privately funded orphanages, but the budget and resources are not always sufficient for these institutions to sustain the increasing number of children who need care. By joining the voluntary program in Kenya orphanage work program, you can help lessen the burden on the staff and resources.
On this volunteer opportunity in Kenya your biggest focus will be on fostering a sense of family and community in children. In addition to this you will help with a wide range of other activities such as laundry, cooking, painting, gardening, cleaning and so on.
Your daily activities will be to teach basic English, math, science and other subjects you feel confident in, educate on personal hygiene, organize playtime activities like music, sports and art, and last but not least, support the administrative staff.
There are no special qualifications or skills needed to join this organized volunteering project in Kenya; all you need is passion and dedication to serve children and make a difference in their lives. The orphanage project for volunteers in Kenya is located in Nairobi, the capital of Kenya. You will be staying either with a host family or at a hostel.
Teaching Project in Peru
Since its inception the main focus of RCDP has always been to serve orphans, and orphanages, and run under-funded schools. The goal of this volunteer teaching program in Peru is to help some of the most poorly resourced schools in providing accessible classes to local children.
Participating in this voluntary teaching opportunity in Peru project means you will be hugely influential in changing the lives of children by making them confident, talented and fluent in English. You will help the local teachers, and teach the official curriculum for 6 days a week, with classes for about 3 hours every day.
Since you will be communicating with the natives of Peru it is essential to speak and understand a bit of Spanish. You also need to be flexible with your time, patient with the students and always be open to helping out with other tasks as required. You do not need any kind of formal teaching qualification, or any previous experience in the field to join this valuable and life changing program.
This volunteer teaching project in Peru is based in the city of Cusco. The place is most famous for its Manu National park, and in your free time you can easily explore the rainforests and fascinating mountains of Peru.
Handicraft Project in Brazil
The Government of Brazil made huge efforts to control crime and clean up the slums of Rio before and during the Olympics in 2016. Due to this action crime rates in the slums have decreased when compared to the past, but the problem of poverty hasn’t.
Poverty is still a major hindrance for people, especially women, living in these areas, for they have fewer income-earning skills and have to depend on their male counterparts for sustenance.
With the Voluntary Handicraft Project in Brazil you can truly make a difference in these women’s lives. By using your own skills and sharing your knowledge you can teach Brazilian women how to create handicrafts and earn a living out of them. You can help by teaching any skills that you know and are comfortable with; this could be sewing, painting, sandal design, paper bag making, pottery, perfumes, candle making, knitting and so on.
A basic understanding of Portuguese is recommended for participants to enroll in the handicraft volunteering Opportunity in Brazil, while competency in some form of craft work which can be used as an entrepreneurial venture to earn financial benefits is compulsory.
The program for Voluntary Handicraft in Brazil is situated in one of Rio’s largest Favelas, a low-income slum area in Brazil, however, you will be completely safe and secure with the support of RCDP’s dedicated support team. When you are not working you can visit the sandy beaches and bask in the hot sun.