Alternative Spring Break Ideas

A wide variety of meaningful and exciting spring break volunteer programs

  • We have several years of experience, and we have worked with thousands of volunteers.
  • There’s no better way to learn and grow than to push past your everyday comfort levels in a strange environment.
  • Unparalleled high reviews and ratings, Guaranteed lowest program fees in the US – starting from $100 - $200 per week.
  • 18 countries, 200 projects and thousands of happy volunteers since 1998. Contact us for more information.
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Alternative Spring Break Ideas Cost as Little as $100 with RCDP

Are you keen to do something different this spring break but stuck for ideas?

Interested in programs which let you travel but also help others? Do you find the idea of volunteering appealing but find the cost of doing that is often way beyond your budget?

If you answered yes to one or more of these questions RCDP have answers you will want to hear.

For around twenty years RCDP have helped thousands of people explore alternative spring break ideas, and find amazing volunteer programs in countries across Asia, Africa and South America.

From childcare and medical, to conservation and animal welfare, the wide range of opportunities makes it easy for everyone to enjoy affordable travel with a purpose ; gaining experience, confidence and cultural insight while supporting those I need as they work towards a better life.

If you are ready to learn more about how RCDP could help you discover the volunteer program that will create unforgettable memories and long term change act now – simply contact us and all the information you need will soon be on its way – no charge.

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The volunteer experience was very eye-opening and I felt very much needed at the site. I would greatly recommend it.

Frances Yuan


The strong ties we built and the rewarding experiences that we made here were really very priceless.

Amelie Lim

- Australia

A lifetime experience, which has opened my eyes to so much, and impassioned me to pursue future volunteer trips.



Overall a great experience! I can't think of any reason why I shouldn't recommend the program to others!

Lena Gustke

- Germany

Please read more RCDP reviews , also in abroad reviews (RCDP-Nepal), Abroad reviews (RCDP -international)

Reasons to Look at Alternative Spring Break Ideas

Although everyone’s personal motivation for choosing one of RCDP Volunteer’s alternative spring break ideas may be slightly different the benefits people receive are open to all. Here are just a few of the bonuses volunteering in spring break can add to your life.

The chance to gain a new perspective on life

Inevitably in daily life everything we experience is relative to our peers and wider society. It’s easy to feel fed up if you can’t afford to buy or do something (non-essential) you love, and everyone around you seems to have, because funds are a bit tight that month, or to complain about having to share the guest bath with your sibling when you are home.

Living and working amongst people with so much less than you can be a harsh but useful realty check.

A more rounded resume

Most employers like to see real evidence of experiences which show particular personality traits. Someone who pursues alternative spring break ideas can legitimately claim to be resourceful, adaptable, tolerant, a quick learner and so on as it’s been amply demonstrated through their volunteer work overseas.

Travel is more affordable

The beauty of an RCDP volunteer project is that in most cases the fees you pay include accommodation and food while you are on the program. You get all the benefits of being in a foreign culture and experiencing new things, but the end cost is much less than a typical beach or resort spring break trip.

Focus on what matters to you

When you are already committed to a cause, or passionate about a particular topic, there is nothing as amazing as being able to do something meaningful to support it.

That may mean actively helping endangered species survive, or providing muscle to get homes built for those living on the streets, whatever your focus volunteering fosters a permanent contribution to change, whatever form that takes.

Recognizing the value of individuality

There’s no doubt that alternative spring break ideas offered by RCDP have something perfect for all potential volunteer, whatever their strengths and skill set. Some programs may require some prior knowledge or language kills, but most are looking for people with the right personal qualities for the role they will play.

Volunteers may be kid and quiet, noisy and able to handle public speaking, or strong and happy to work outdoor – all traits are equally useful and valuable.

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10 of RCDP’s Best Alternative Spring Break Ideas

There are various programs offered in many different countries, and all are popular with volunteer, however the ten featured here are particularly good for those looking for alternative spring break ideas which feature high quality, safe and affordable volunteer projects.

Women Support Project - Xela, Guatemala

Intermediate or higher Spanish speaking females interested in supporting Guatemalan women gain practical and life skills to help them escape poverty and dependant, often abusive, relationships will do well on this alternative spring break in Thailand volunteer project.

Tasks range from helping with admin and the education program to awareness raising and skill building. Working with women project In Guatemala is an amazing alternative spring break idea.

Teaching in Buddhist Temple School in Thailand

Looking for great alternative spring break ideas? Learning to speak English well is important for young people in Thailand if they are to secure a decent job in the future, and the Buddhist monks who offer all kinds of classes to deprived children need help from native speakers to make this happen.

In their free time volunteers on this alternative spring break project can enjoy exploring Ayuthaya, once the capital of Thailand.

Elephant Project in India

RCDP’s alternative spring break idea India involves working on a project in Jaipur, a great location for sightseeing. Over 50 elephants and their keepers (mahouts) are involved with the program, and volunteers help with all aspects of elephant care, including feeding, bathing and playtime.

There is also the opportunity to work with a mahout’s family. Accommodation is available in either a shared volunteer apartment or homestay.

Special Needs Children Project in China

Volunteers are needed on this alternative spring break China project set up by the parents of children with special needs to provide care and learning opportunities. Duties include personal care, teaching, and organizing games. Relevant experience or training is not required, jut an open heart and mind.

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Cloud Forest Conservation Project in Ecuador

Want great alternative spring break ideas for latin America? Help protect the rainforests by pursuing this alternative spring break idea in Ecuador. Specialist knowledge is not required; making this a great way to learn more about this topic, but you should be physically strong and enjoy working outdoors round bugs. Research and admin work makes up part of the workload.

Medical Project in Peru

Anyone who speaks basic (or better) Spanish is welcome to check out this alternative spring break idea, and become a medical volunteer in Peru.  People who live in remote or poorer than storage areas struggle to find or afford health care at all, so all help is appreciated. Exact tasks assigned depend on the applicant’s background, experience and qualifications, so could be low key or hands-on.

Marine Project in Costa Rica

Costa Rica is booming in the tourism and construction industries, but such rapid development is threatening local marine life. Choosing an alternative spring break Costa Rica volunteer project offers hands-on opportunities to help protect endangered sea animals. If you are looking for life changing alternative spring break idea, than join the marine project.

Special Children Project in Mexico

Patient and easy going people looking for alternative spring break ideas with special need children will do well on this project which supports kids in Mexico. Volunteers assist teachers and special therapists, meeting children with a range of extra challenges, such as cerebral palsy, Down’s syndrome and autism.

Volunteer in Himalaya in Nepal

How many people have the chance to live among the Sherpa Community in sight of the Himalayas? This project is one of many alternative spring break ideas RCDP offer to those with a taste for adventure. Combine volunteer teaching with free time to enjoy the splendid isolation, simple lifestyle and glorious nature around you.

Sea turtle conservation project (Osa Peninsula)-Costa Rica

Sea turtles are in danger of becoming extinct, which is why volunteer’s who care about these creatures are needed on a project focused on preserving their habitat, recording related data, and helping with general turtle care. Helping turtle is meaningful alternative spring break ideas

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