Alternative Spring Break High School RCDP Volunteer Programs

A look at the wide range of exciting volunteering opportunities open to all interested in volunteering abroad

  • Experience the joy and satisfaction of making a real difference in the lives of those you volunteer with.
  • Gain self-confidence along with personal life skills on this amazing, once in a lifetime opportunity.
  • Unparalleled high reviews and ratings, Guaranteed lowest program fees in the US – starting from $100 - $200 per week.
  • 18 countries, 200 projects and thousands of happy volunteers since 1998. Contact us for more information.
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Alternative Spring Break High School RCDP Volunteer Programs with Fees from Only $100

Would you like to do something different during your next spring break? Does the idea of spending a week abroad on a structured, safe and well organized volunteer project sound interesting?

Are you looking for information on affordable, alternative spring break high school opportunities?

RCDP have been offering alternative spring break programs which fill all of these needs since 1998, and have helped thousands of satisfied volunteer alumni enjoy working on meaningful and exciting projects all around the world.

In our alternative spring break program for high school students, volunteers get to make a genuine difference as their efforts contribute to programs covering everything from animal welfare to educating street children.  In the process they gain life skills, confidence, experience and a unique cultural insight few others can hope to match.

If you are ready to learn more about the programs RCDP Volunteers offer get in touch with us today for your free information pack, containing all you need to know about these amazing life changing opportunities.

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The volunteer experience was very eye-opening and I felt very much needed at the site. I would greatly recommend it.

Frances Yuan


The strong ties we built and the rewarding experiences that we made here were really very priceless.

Amelie Lim

- Australia

A lifetime experience, which has opened my eyes to so much, and impassioned me to pursue future volunteer trips.



Overall a great experience! I can't think of any reason why I shouldn't recommend the program to others!

Lena Gustke

- Germany

Please read more RCDP reviews , also in abroad reviews (RCDP-Nepal), Abroad reviews (RCDP -international)

Why Choose an Alternative Spring Break High School Program?

Volunteers on an RCDP project are motivated to join for their own individual reasons, but here are several of the most common shared motivations.

The opportunity to connect with others

So much communication happens remotely nowadays, but on a volunteer project alternative spring break high school students will rely less on cell phones and computers, and more on face to face interaction. Removing the tech barrier creates bonds which are more meaningful and memorable.

Experience an authentic culture

Even if your stay is only for a week by working closely with and living amongst local people you get glimpses of the real culture of a country. Enjoy the chance to try new foods and stretch your open mind.

Learn or practice a second language

If you have years of language classes from grade school behind you an  alternative spring break high school volunteer program lets you put the classroom learning into practice. There are also projects which can be combined with part time language class programs if you are a total beginner.

Enjoy feeling a sense of accomplishment

It’s easy to while away days on end laying around and doing nothing much, but those who join alternative spring break high school students volunteer programs will get a sense of satisfaction from knowing their efforts have contributed to changing and improving something tangible.

Travel with a sense of security

Many people choose package type vacations because traveling independently seems scary or risky. RCDP’s alternative spring break high school programs are safe, well organized, and have a local support team in place, so volunteers can enjoy their adventure without being concerned about finding a place to stay and so on.

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Some Popular RCDP Alternative Spring Break High School Volunteer Programs

High school students may be young, but their energy, enthusiasm and kindness are all appreciated and valued by those working on, and benefitting from, the volunteer projects involved. There are programs available to suit all interests, and a selection of the most popular alternative spring break high school opportunities are listed below, in more detail.

Teaching English (Qingdao)

Alternative spring break high school students China programs offer an amazing chance to combine travel and volunteer work. Native English speakers are needed to help children develop their language skills, as there are not enough skilled local teachers for all youngsters. Volunteers can enjoy the seaside city they are based in during down time.

Marine Project in Costa Rica

Costa Rica boasts lots of amazing marine animals like turtles and pelicans but a growing tourism market has triggered land reclaims and construction work, which along with pollution threatens these creatures. This alternative spring break high school Costa Rica project involves lot of outside physical work in all weathers, and some time on educational projects.

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Orphanage Work in Ecuador (Quito)-Ecuador

The combination of a sudden boom in births and ongoing poverty mean lot more kids in Ecuador are forced to live in orphanages. They have less opportunity to study or build strong personal relationships, so your help to teach them key skills, organize games and activities and provide them with some fun experiences means a lot.

In their free time alternative spring break high school students Ecuador can explore the historic city of Quito, or the nearby coast and rainforests.

Health Project in Ghana (Accra, Kumasi)-Ghana

This alternative spring break high school Ghana program is always open to those studying for healthcare qualifications, and interested in offering basic level care to people who really need it. Most volunteers are also asked to help with admin work and general tasks.

HIV/AIDS Project in Tanzania (Arusha and Moshi)-Tanzania

Compassionate volunteers who are interested in working on a HIV/AIDS program are welcome to join this alternative spring break high school Tanzania project.

Local workers and previous volunteers have had success with educational campaigns intended to reduce the numbers of new cases diagnosed, while also providing support to those affected, both directly and indirectly. This work is ongoing so more help is always needed.

Elephant Project-Thailand

In Surin elephants play a key role in the economy as local people use them at work to transport goods or tourists, only to risk being abandoned or sold as a begging aid when they become too old or sick to continue in these roles.

RCDP’s alternative spring break high school students Thailand program provides sanctuary for these magnificent animals, and volunteers help clean out, bathe, feed and play with the retired elephants.

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Sea turtle conservation project (Osa Peninsula)-Costa Rica

Turtles have been around for over one hundred millions years, but their numbers are dwindling rapidly, and just 7 species now exist around the world, compared to the 100+ of the past. Taking a place on this alternative spring break high school Costa Rica program is a great way to help turn this around, and help preserve these creatures and their habitats for future generations.

Street Children Project in Peru (Cusco)

No child should have to live on the streets without things like decent food, shoes, and an education which much of the world takes for granted; however, for many kids in Peru poverty and crime are the only future they see.  Volunteers on an alternative spring break high school students program in Cusco can help them create a brighter future, by providing education, care and hope.

Community Development Project (Kimuka, Masailand)-Kenya

Spend a week with a Masai family and help on projects which are trying to create the means to sustain their lifestyle and cultural identity, hopefully slowing the numbers of those who move to cities for work. Tasks undertaken by alternative spring break high school students range from building schools to teaching English, and helping with craft marketing.

Construction Project (Chitwan)-Nepal

Asna orphanage provides much needed shelter for some of the children who lost their parents due to war and poverty, but space is limited.  This alternative spring break high school Nepal program is focused on creating more rooms, so more youngster can have a place to live and study.

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